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Data Protection Consulting

Into IT Computers, Inc.

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Our History:

1988:  The dinosaur age for computers

Into IT Computers, Inc. began as a home grown business with humble roots. It started out of a need for qualified computer services for small businesses. Greg Fowlds, Founder had been working with computers, computer repair, and networking. However, at the time, he was supporting his family with an outside sales position. As word of mouth grew the corporate business owners became aware of his computer savvy, they would ask for assistance when their networks had problems. Word continued to spread, and soon Greg became so busy he quit the sales job and devoted his time to the business where he was building and selling new computers along with other computer services.


By the mid 90’s the business landscape changed and Greg took on work back in the corporate world as a Windows System Administrator for a physician management company, then a national equipment rental company and later a contract position with Microsoft while continuing the computer service business.


After going through Y2K and other changes in the technology world, Greg once again devoted himself full time to the firm and in 2001 kicked off Into IT Computers as the official company and began marketing to businesses as a managed service provider (MSP).


Into IT Computers was officially named  laying the foundation to a very successful thriving business.


Into IT Computers, Inc. Was incorporated.


Into IT Computers, Inc. began work in data centers with offerings in cyber security and assistance with data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions.


In 2016 Into IT Computers, Inc. added more cyber-security offerings that would better serve their client’s needs to combat security breaches and cyber-attacks so prevalent today. Along with incident response Into IT Computers, Inc. possesses the expertise to adhere to the security frameworks such as National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST), using SP800 series. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with ISO27000 series. Into IT Computers Inc. is in the forefront of the European General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) providing expertise in steps to compliance, GDPR training, and security policy modification.

Today 2018:

Into IT Computers, Inc. / Data Protection Consulting, provides cyber-security solutions to cover all of your cyber-security, IT security governance risk and compliance (GRC), (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) advisory, perimeter security, network security, and data protection.

Into IT Computers, Inc Building a Secure Future for your Business!

Into IT Computers, Inc.